Join the community and contribute to BleachBit.
Donations encourage future development and support of BleachBit.
GitHub sponsors
GitHub Sponsors does not charge processing fees for sponsorships to individual contributors.
Credit card or PayPal
Donate any amount in any currency. If you do not want to use a PayPal account, notice on the PayPal page there is a link to continue without a PayPal account.
Bitcoin (BTC): 3Hdt9hxceSASUs4y8DCqKjcnS3VqNg3PpF
Bitcoin Cash (BCH): qze32xdfjntvpp76zyagl26eydzy98s39yz4k9lu9w
Litecoin (LTC): MApn8KobyhkDcwkoWJ7mUTywBjHEE5AVis
Social media
Write about BleachBit on your social media pages. Review how well it performs. Instruct people how to use it. Please link to the BleachBit home page, download page, or blog.
Feel free to hot-link or copy any screenshots from this site, but please do not hot-link downloads. Instead please link to the download page (or the home page), so people can get the latest version for all their operating systems.
Like and rate
Let other people know how much you like BleachBit: like and rate BleachBit on popular download sites.
Software development
For testing, development, and localizing, see running source code .
To localize the user interface to your language, see translate.
Feature requests
File feature requests in BleachBit’s wishlist tracker. Please include only one issue per ticket. See also Prioritization of issues.
Help test BleachBit to ensure high-quality releases.
Python programmers: check out the Git repository and then submit pull requests
Contributions must be licensed under the same license as BleachBit: GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
Writing cleaners
Read the guide to contributing a cleaner for step-by-step instructions on how to write a cleaner, test it, submit it, and review others’ submissions.
Translate BleachBit in to your native language using an easy, web-based interface.